
McAdams, B.C., Hudson, J., Arnold, W.A., Chin, Y.-P. 2022. Effects of Aquatic Dissolved Organic Matter Redox State on Adsorption to GoethiteAquatic Sci. accepted.

McAdams, B.C., Arnold, W.A., Wilkins, M.J., Chin, Y.P. 2021. Ice cover influences redox dynamics in prairie pothole wetland sediments. J. Geophys. Res-Biogeo. 126(10), e2021JG0063

Lombardo, S.M., Vindedahl, A.M., Arnold, W.A. 2020. Determination of hydroxyl radical production from sulfide oxidation relevant to sulfidic pore-watersACS Earth Space Chem. 4(2) 261-271.

McCabe, A.J., Arnold, W.A. Multiple linear regresion models to predict the formation efficiency of triplet excited states of dissovled organic matter in temperate wetlandsLimnol. Oceanogr. accepted. Data Repository for U of MN data set

McAdams, B.C., Aiken, G.R., McKnight, D.M., Arnold, W.A., Chin, Y.-P. 2018 High pressure size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) determination of dissolved organic matter molecular weight revisited: Accounting for changes in stationary phases, analytical standards, and isolation methodsEnviron. Sci. Technol. 52(2), 722-730.

Martins, P.D., Hoyt, D.W., Bansal, S., Mills, C.T., Tfaily, M., Tangen, B.A., Finocchaiaro, R.G., Johnston, M.D., McAdams, B.C., Solensky, M.J., Smith, G.J., Chin, Y.-P., Wilkins, M.J. 2017. Abundant carbon substrates drive extremely high sulfate reduction rates and methane fluxes in Prairie Pothole Wetlands. Global Change Biology, 28, 3107-3120.

Wallace, G.C., Sander, M., Chin, Y.P., Arnold, W.A. 2017 Quantifying the electron donating capacities of sulfide and dissolved organic matter in sediment pore waters of wetlandsEnviron. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 19, 758-767

Adams, R.M.; McAdams, B.C.; Arnold, W.A.; Chin, Y.P. 2016. Transformation of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl in prairie pothole pore watersEnviron. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 18, 1406-1416.

McCabe, A.J.; Arnold, W.A. 2016. Seasonal and spatial variabilities in the water chemistry of prairie pothole wetlands influence the photoproduction of reactive intermediatesChemosphere, 155, 640-647. Data Repository for U of MN data set

McAdams, B.; Adams, R.; Arnold, W.A., Chin, Y.-P. 2016. Novel insights into the distribution of reduced sulfur species in prairie pothole wetland pore waters provided by bismuth film electrodes (BiFEs)Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 3, 104-109.

Karpuzcu, M.E.; McCabe, A.J.; Arnold, W.A. 2016. Photransformation of pesticides in prairie potholes: Effect of dissolved organic matter in triplet-induced oxidationEnviron. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 18, 237-245.

Sleighter, R.L. ; Chin, Y.-P.; Arnold, W.A.; Hatcher, P.G.; McCabe, A.J.; McAdams, B.C.; Wallace, G.C. 2014. Evidence for abiotic S and N incorporation into prairie wetland dissolved organic matter. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 1(9), 345-350.

Ziegelgruber, K.L.; Zeng, T.; Arnold, W.A.; Chin, Y.-P. 2013Sources and composition of sediment pore water dissolved organic matter in prairie pothole lakesLimnology and Oceanography, , 58(3), 2013, 1136–1146.

Zeng, T.; Arnold, W.A., Toner, B.M. 2013. Microscale Characterization of Sulfur Speciation in Lake SedimentsEnvironmental Science and Technology,47(3) 1287-1296.

Zeng, T.; Arnold, W.A. 2013. Pesticide photolysis in prairie potholes: probing photosensitized processesEnvironmental Science and Technology, 47 (13), pp 6735–6745.

Zeng, T.; Chin, Y.-P.; Arnold, W.A. 2012. Potential for abiotic reduction of pesticides in prairie pothole porewatersEnviron. Sci. Technol. 46, 3177-3187.

Zeng, T.; Ziegelgruber, K.L.; Chin, Y.-P.; Arnold, W.A. 2011. Pesticide processing potential in prairie pothole porewaters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 6814-6822.